Group Theraplay® for Ukrainian refugee families in Birmingham with Project Salam

As part of Project Salam, we host Theraplay® Groups for refugee families in Birmingham. We cater to Ukrainian, Arabic, Pashto and Dari speaking families, helping parents and children make playful connections, enjoy shared play and feel part of a group.

PHOTO GALLERY: Project Salam ‘Make and Play’ event for Ukrainian families

The images below are from a Group Theraplay series of events supporting Ukrainian parents and children run as part of Project Salam. The ‘Make & Play’ event pictured was run in collaboration with Moseley For Ukraine and The Hive, Moseley, with generous funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

The family and community benefits of our Project Salam Theraplay® Groups

We have received 100% positive feedback from all the children and parents who have taken part in Connect4Kids groups at Beacon Family Services!

Parents and carers report:

  • increases in their child’s social confidence
  • stronger bonds between themselves and their child
  • a sense of belonging at Connect4Kids
  • a sense of safety and acceptance, whatever is going on for themselves and their child

Host us or partner with us!

Are you part of a community group, school, or other organisation that supports or interacts with refugee families? We’d love to collaborate with you.

We love to run our Theraplay® Groups in places where people can connect. These include schools, after-school clubs, community spaces, support groups, and sport clubs. We’re open to possibilities! If you are part of a group or organisation that could host such an event, please get in touch.

Get involved and contact Project Salam

You can host a Project Salam Group session for refugee families you support at your school, family event, or community group. You can also refer families to work with us.

If you’d like to host or co-run a local event, or simply find out more about Project Salam, email our Play Therapist and Project Salam supervisor Peppy Hills at


Peppy Hills is a qualified play therapist who leads Project Salam at Beacon Family Services.

For more information about Beacon Family Service’s Project Salam, contact or 0121 270 0593.