Dads Support Group – West Midlands and UK
Parenting can be hard. Dads raising children with additional needs can often feel isolated and struggling with challenges unique to their experience as a dad.
This online peer group is a safe place to talk about those challenges, get some support, ideas and hear from other dads. Group details
When: Wednesday every month
Where: Online meetups via Zoom
Start time: 8pm
To join: Email the group’s host Al Coates MBE to register your interest or ask for more info:
Instant support
Group details
When: Wednesday every month
Where: Online meetups via Zoom
Start time: 8pm
To join: Email the group’s host Al Coates MBE to register your interest or ask for more info:
Instant support
“I stumbled across the group as I desperately searched for support and answers. To find them and others who just get it, listen without judgement, offer empathy and learnings from their own experience is invaluable.”
Support Group Dad
“Thanks again - I have been on a few other support group calls but hearing a male perspective was really what was missing for me." ”
Support Group Dad
“The reason I joined was to meet like minded fathers to share experiences, frustrations and ideas; making life’s challenges less isolating.”
Support Group Dad
“(Al Coates) has an uncanny way of enabling us Dads to think beyond the exhausting behaviours of our children. He helps us to recognise and do something about the deeply troubled (child), who we HAVE to recognise, understand and help to feel safe.”
Support Group Dad